Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ronald McDonald You're My Hero.

Awe Ronald McDonald you’re my hero. When I was hospitalized for several months as a baby the only hospital that could provide quality care for my critical needs was over 3 hours away from where my parents lived, and staying in a hotel or driving back and forth was not a option for my parents who didn’t have the burden of money just piling up everywhere, and very heavy, hard to carry wallets, so Ronald was there to save the day, and my parents where able to stay at a Ronald McDonald house. So this charity has a very special place in my heart—you sheltered my parents and your happy meals have made me and now my three little girls very happy. Kudos to you silly old clown.

Getting down to business. Now this may be a very difficult task to take on, but I hope you are up to the challenge. To support the greatest charity in my book which undeniably has the best dressed spokesman, all you need to do is guzzle down a few sodas, or beers I guess (I'm not supporting or suggesting anything here), and pop off the tops.

So far the 400 million pop tabs collected has contributed about $4 million.
An added bonus, collecting pop tabs is a great way to teach children about philanthropy, oh big word, I hope you are playing that rice game so you know what it means : ), and the importance of recycling, and raising money to help others all at the same time.

So cheers and drink up.

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